Saturday, May 2, 2009

Top Droppers for April

Thank you so much to my top droppers for April. If you want to know more about this, please visit EntreCard

Silver Sachet
Kids Toys
Singapore Draws
Split Rock Ranch
Wii Mommies
Search Engine Panel
Serian Man
Black is beautiful
Jean sQuared
My Heart Voice
Three Fates Design - Beaded Jewelry
Dragon's Den
Isker's Blog
Dogmaw Glass
Hot in Singapore
Sunflower Seeds
First Door on the Left
Lohman Trading
Grandmother's Patternbook
LOL Cats
Enjoy Work As Leisure


  1. How did you get such an extended list? For the only way that I know how to see who were the top droppers on my site (other than keeping a record myself, of course) is to go by what Entrecard provides, and it only lists 10, which I think is kinda unfair. For I am fairly sure that it does not include more than 10 ties, if such a situation occurs.

  2. I use the RSS feed from the Statistics page. I click on Top Droppers RSS, then right click on "View Page Source" and it lists the top 25. I have to convert the link tags into html tags, though, for the blogger post.

  3. Thanks for the mention and for dropping on me too!


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